Created almost two decades ago, it aims to extend NECE’s consulting service, creating training modules designed on specific technical aspects of the customer’s products.
In the early years NECE Academy invited customers from various sectors, free of charge, providing cross-training in the different products.
Now, however, the meetings are extremely personalized and aimed at only one customer at a time, creating a highly operational meeting, which results in an improvement in both the product and the material flows.
Saturday, May 7, 2022 NECE hosted VIABIZZUNO, a leading company in the lighting sector, with about twenty collaborators including technicians, buyers and salesmen.
The request for the meeting had started from the customer, so NECE elaborated an initial proposal of the program that was then perfected together with the customer itself.
With the construction of the new headquarters, which took place in 2004, NECE SPA created the Training Division for the realization of Meetings aimed at customers operating in the design, architecture, furniture, transport, automotive and naval sectors.
The aim of the Training Meetings is to update the participants on the problems related to aluminum defects, on the possible remedies and on the surface treatments available, and have constantly registered a considerable appreciation by those present regarding the quality of the information transmitted, thanks to the purely operational cut.
Over time, word of mouth has made NECE SPA known also in this training area, stimulating at the same time the request from customers for training aimed at their production activity. Also on this occasion the company decided to respond positively to requests by founding NECE ACADEMY.
NECE ACADEMY offers the opportunity to make use of tailor-made training on internal production issues such as:
- Correct storage of semi-finished products
- Processing subsequent to the surface treatment of aluminum
- Aluminum-aluminum assembly
- Structural bonding of aluminum-glass/wood/pvc / etc.
- Appropriate packaging
- Cleaning the finished product
- Other topics
NECE Academy training can take place at its own site or that of customers.
The latest training editions, provided free of charge by the top NECE experts, were held at the customers’ premises and aimed at their technical-commercial networks, exclusively on their specific products.
Anyone interested can contact the Head of NECE ACADEMY, Marco Fasolato, at the following email address: neceox@nece.net