AXTRA3D, a manufacturer of ultra-high-tech 3D printers for medical and industrial applications, chose NECE after conducting market research because of the level of finish it can provide and the exclusivity of some of the processes.
The aluminum parts of 3D printers:
- body
- paneling
- doors
- bases
- interior parts
- display mounts
- components
are initially anodized and electrocolored in 7A-ARC chemical matte black.
The choice of this Electrocoloring is motivated by the fine result it gives to treated surfaces, combined with UV resistance and unalterability over time.
NECE initially, in cooperation with the customer, studied, for each individual component, the best solution for handling the anodic treatment in order to ensure the surface perfection of all visible parts.
One of the factors of NECE’s exclusivity is that it has an in-house department totally dedicated to UV Printing, and this allows for a finished product, ready for assembly, with a very high level of design (far superior to that obtainable with adhesive films) as the custom graphics become one with the anodized surface.
The in-house UV Printing service also cuts down on production time and costs.
NECE consultancy also intervened at the warehouse and logistics level, advising AXTRA3D to create the packaging using blisters to protect the numerous components.
NECE also offered the possibility of off-line kit packing facilitating picking for assembly.