For several years now, NECE Anodizing has been dealing with aluminum surfaces for customers who produce Interior Furniture.
The Lighting engineering sector, which has always been present in this area, has recently shown a strong interest in the treatment of Natural Anodizing (color code 1B ARS), as well as for Electrocoloring (color code 4A ARS) and for Black Anodizing. (color code 7A ARS, also with Micro shot peened finish).
This trend was also confirmed on the occasion of the recent International Furniture Fair in Milan, where the plays of light of the LED sources were created by lighting systems in anodized aluminum.
Aluminum continues to be indicated by designers all over the world as one of the most avant-garde materials, thanks to its touch of unparalleled elegance, enhanced by the perfection of the geometries, and by surface treatment techniques that further enhance the raw material.
- Lamp body
- Linear and binary profiles
- Track projectors
- Spotlights