Production News
In these years of economic crisis several companies have disappeared from the market, NECE, on the other hand, has confirmed itself as a stable and reliable supplier and, believing in the future, continues in investments further enhancing the service to customers.
The Digital Catalog of Decorative Bianodization, a new product in demand by both Interior and Exterior Design, has been created, as it is resistant to UV rays, even in aggressive and marine atmospheres.
Decorative Bianodizing is used on aluminum paneling, in the architectural field, since that maintains the same guarantees of inalterability as other anodized NECE products.
Contact us to request the physical sample you are most interested in.
Interior Design requires creative freedom that graphically exceeds the effects achievable with Anodizing.
For this reason NECE, always on the cutting edge, has created a new work area for UV Printing that can provide extraordinary graphic effects on the perfect anodized surface of aluminum sheets.
Anodized and UV printed sheets have already been in demand for interiors as a luxury, and durable, product compared to traditional wallpaper, as it is not sensitive to moisture and saltiness.
UV Printing ennobles material by adding graphic and design elements through advanced techniques.
Material ennobling greatly enhances the appearance and perception of the product through the addition of texture, gloss, opacity, and other visual effects.
The printing area is 3050 x 2050 mm and the maximum media height is 250 mm, with a speed of up to 150 m²/h.
Components that have been anodized, presenting a homogeneous surface with the oxide layer forming a single body with the aluminum underneath, are ideal for printing, especially those with open-pore anodization.
High-tech creativity on aluminum that can be used in both Interior and Exterior Design, UV-resistant, even in aggressive and marine atmospheres. Maintains the same guarantees of inalterability as other anodized NECE products.
Decorations are available with effects:
- Textural
- Geometric
- Pattern
- Logos
NECE has reached the goal, set for 2022, of adding 3,300 square meters of production area that is added to the existing 6,700 square meters for a total of 10,000 square meters completely dedicated to production and warehouse.
Already during the summer closure a new line of goods hooking/releasing will be started to serve, in a more efficient way, the existing automatic system with the 42 tanks for Anodizing.
This step will be followed, in the coming years, by the installation of a new Anodizing plant, also fully automated, to expand
further the range of finishes and colors and increase the production volume by 50%.
For 2023 it is planned to expand the offices by 130 square meters and the extension of the area dedicated to NECE Academy, which will also have a Showroom with all the products inside.
In June NECE was awarded by METEF for the ECO-SUSTAINABILITY OF THE COMPANY SYSTEM thanks to the largest Solar Cooling plant in Europe.

For NECE the architectural sector is of particular importance, and can count among its customers leading brands at an international level.
Technological development in aluminum extrusion makes it possible to produce increasingly larger matrices, and therefore geometries, reaching widths of 500 mm.
Consequently, the most important international architectural firms seize the opportunity to be able to design curtain walls with larger mullions and transoms.
To meet this trend, NECE has already installed a Brushing line to treat bars with dimensions up to 500 x 500 x 8000 mm, with longitudinal brushing with stainless steel bristles, called ARS.
The possibility of a brushed finish on large profiles has already been appreciated also by Interior Designers.
The brushed finish has the great advantage of concealing extrusion defects such as bands, lines, …, and at the same time obtaining a particularly pleasant aluminum surface, because it is uniformly satin.

NECE continues to invest, in addition to the continuous development of new products, also in machinery and in both production and logistics spaces.
In fact, by 2022 the completion of the additional 3,800 square meters of production area and offices is expected, an ambitious project that has continued despite the pandemic period, and the first step will lead to an improvement in logistics, attributing separate loading and unloading areas in order to reduce the time, and improving the internal flow of materials during the production process.
The next step will be, in the coming years, to upgrade the Anodizing plants, increasing the production capacity by 50%.
This strategic choice is motivated by the fact of continuing to maintain the position of international leadership in the anode treatment of aluminum, in terms of ability to create new products and a production capacity able to meet both niche production demands and large international buildyards.

The new colors of the Light Gray Interference Electrocoloring, from the beginning, have also obtained excellent feedback from important international customers.
NECE has therefore decided to invest further in R&D by creating a whole range of colors, with 4 different shades of Light Gray, which can be combined with the numerous finishes of NECE Anodizing such as Chemical Opaque ARC, Scotch Brite Brushed SCOTCH, Linear Brushing SD, Shiny LP, Brushed ARS, Sandblasted SAB, Crossed Brushing SI, Cloudy Brushing NV and Vibrated Brushing VB.
The Profiles and Sheets, until today, could be colored in Light Gray only through painting or organic colors, which however present problems of limited durability, poor resistance to UV rays and an aesthetic result no longer adequate to the demands of the designers.
After three years of work in NECE’s Research and Development department, a new range of Shades of Neutral Light Grey, free from predominances of green or blue, has been created using the Interference Electrocoloring process.

The continuous increase in NECE’s production has required an energetic revaluation of the plants, giving priority to that coming from renewable sources.
NECE has improved energy efficiency by creating a Solar Cooling plant on its roof, totally dedicated to powering the production lines, which has an area of 1440 square meters and an average production of 1 MWh, thus equipping itself with a system that, in addition to meeting the energy needs of the production cycle, reduces CO2 emissions, respecting the CAM environmental requirements provided for by European Community strategies, and is able to provide the best product from an environmental point of view.
NECE continues to invest in new production facilities using the most advanced technological standards dictated by Industry 4.0.
Specifically, it has equipped itself with a new automated line, interconnected with the company management system, which allows to obtain a preset according to the customer and the article to be produced, as well as increasing the workable dimensions that go from 200x200x7500 to 300x300x7600 mm.
It is also more flexible in the creation of new finishes.
The vertical surface of the warehouse has been increased, improving production flows and achieving greater just-in-time efficiency.
NECE firmly believes in the future of Anodized Aluminum and for this reason has invested decisively in Rectifiers for Anodic Oxidation bringing the total capacity from 60,000 to 87,000 Amperes (+45%): 3 Rectifiers of 24,000 A + 1 of 15,000 A.
This important enhancement allows to better manage the production peaks, makes NECE even more competitive in large orders and above all, using the latest generation technologies (often not yet used by competitors) allows to further increase the quality in terms of uniformity and resistance of the oxide layer.
NECE is now proud to present the world premiere of the Vibrated Brushing finish (VB) created specifically for design products, giving a material effect.
This finish can be combined with all the colors of the NECE Anodizing range and the Anti-Scratch Treatment can also be requested in combination.
Anodized bars and sheets can be protected with PVC film to preserve the surfaces in subsequent processing.
New 24,000 Anodic Oxidation Rectifier that allows a high quality leap of the oxide layer that is more uniform and much more resistant to abrasion, falling with a wide margin in the 25 μm class even with Abrasion Test.
A new Line for Brushing has been installed, which allows linear (SD) and crossed (SI) brushing, ensuring excellent uniformity of the finishes, which are more easily cleanable. It also allows to process large batches of aluminum profiles.
NECE has created an area dedicated to testing and the development of new mechanical finishes on the aluminum surface, before anodizing.
The total area used by NECE, for its activity, has reached, in the Borgoricco headquarters alone, a total of over 10,000 square meters.
The range of Brushings has been expanded by inserting the Cloudy Effect that creates interesting light effects.
Mosaic, Moon and Rhombus are new 3D machining of the aluminum surface, obtained by milling.
New Electrocoloring Plant that guarantees greater productivity and allows the research and development of new products.
New Hot Fixing System that will increase the production of Natural Anodizing.
NECE has invested in the training of its customers, transferring know-how on the selection, storage, preparation of raw materials to be anodized.
The continuous investment in Research and Development has led to the realization of Cross Brushing, Deep Linear Brushing and Bicolor Anodiz.