SIX SENSES is a hospitality giant, a symbol of relaxed and sustainable extra-luxury, which has opened the first Urban Hotel in Italy in Rome.
A true oasis of tranquility in the middle of the historic center of the UNESCO World Heritage city, far from traffic and noise.
The hotel was built by renovating the 16th-century Palazzo Salviati Cesi Mollini, designed by Arch. Patricia Urquiola and certified eco-compatible LEED Gold.
The particularity of this urban regeneration project is the fusion of ultramodern elements with the valorization of Roman historical heritage.
LOCATION: Rome Italy
STUDIO: Patricia Urquiola S.p.A., Milan, Italy
CLIENT: Tecnofer, Rho
COLOR: Electrocoloring Burnished C335-scotch, Anodizing Bronze 4B-ARS.
FINISH: Brushed Scotch Brite, Brushed ARS.
CLASS: 15 µm
ANODIZED MATERIAL: furniture components and profiles.
The production standard of NECE’s anodizing and finishing is perfectly in line with the level required by this extra-luxury hotel chain to which C335-SCOTCH and 4B-ARS were supplied in Anodized and Electrocolored:
- handles and grab bars
- profiles for shower stalls
- knobs
- luggage racks
- bottle racks
- calendered profiles
- sleeves
- U-shaped, L-shaped and flat finishing profiles
- laminates
- tubulars
NECE, initially identified by the architectural firm, which had already owned the samples for years, was then confirmed as an ideal supplier by the furniture manufacturer.
The large number of components to be anodized, being highly customized, involved extensive study and very close collaboration between NECE and the manufacturer, including creating new satin-finishing and process solutions to achieve the high quality required by SIX SENSES.
The experience of more than 50 years in anodizing, the extensive study phase of each component, the very high level of craftsmanship and the advanced technology of the equipment have made it possible to amply meet the expectations of the customer.