In areas where the use of aluminium is required the highest level of quality, not only aesthetic, but also structural, it is necessary to ensure full traceability of the Anodized Aluminium.
We refer, for example, the profiles used in architecture for structural bonding, between glass and aluminium curtain walls. The aesthetic quality as that required in high-design furniture, is ensured by traceability throughout the production cycle, ensuring, among other things, over time, you can play the same level of finish.
The tracking system, currently the most widespread, is based on the shipping documents and orders, from which dates back to the date of arrival and departure of materials. These data suggest the days in which production takes place, then climb to the plant data. So it’s a tracking system not sure.

During the acceptance phase of the aluminum to be anodized, an adhesive label is applied bearing the following data:
- Date and time of entry
- Customer’s name
- DDT number
- Processing reminder number
After obtaining the confirmation of the order, from the customer, a seal is applied bearing the information relating to the material and the processing that must be performed:

- Start date and time of processing
- Origin of the material
- Customer
- Destination of the material
- Customer order number
- NECE order number
- DDT number
- Number of processing seal (package)
- Number of pieces
- Pieces length
- Customer package identification number
- Color code
- Type of finish
- Type of fixing
- Warranty certificate (optional)
- Type of coupling
- Type of packaging
- Number of rejects
- Non-compliance number
The various operators, through an optical scanner, memorize the data of the seal of the processed material, for each production area.

The aluminum, after being anodized, is subjected to the marking phase (if requested by the customer), then it is packed and, to each individual package, an adhesive label is applied showing all the data of the processing seal, updated in the number of rejects and non-conformities, and showing the date and time of closure of the processing cycle.
This traceability system allows NECE SPA to provide, via Login, in real time, for each customer, the progress of the various packages (Online Production), with indication of the number of rejects and non-conformities.