Nece Academy si occupa di formazione su misura sulle problematiche inerenti al trattamento sull’Alluminio.Per quanto riguarda i laminati, le caratteristiche più frequenti riguardano:

NECE Anodizing systems are able to anodize all aluminum alloys on the market, guaranteeing the same degree of protection and durability over time as the oxide state. What can vary, depending on the raw material, is the aesthetic uniformity, guaranteed at the highest level only in the case of use of Alloy 5005 – guaranteed for Anodizing.

In over forty years of experience in the field of Anodizing of laminates – press-bent, NECE has registered an increase in the request for the treatment of laminates with a 360 ° tight fold: the treatment of these semi-finished products requires particular attention both in terms of processing and based on mounting. This type of fold, in the anodizing treatment, retains chemical residues that sometimes alter the expected final quality. To overcome this problem, several cleaning phases are necessary to neutralize chemical residues, both in tears and at the end of the process. To reduce processing times and costs, NECE Anodizing recommends using folded sheets with a gap of at least 1 mm.

Various types of protective film are used in aluminum laminates, some of which leave glue residues on the surface once removed. This situation requires an oxidation pre-treatment cleaning which involves additional costs and time. The need to remove the glue from the film also arises in the case of laser cutting. NECE Anodizing also recommends the use of double layer film for press bends to reduce the marks that the bending press would produce.
Note: the bending of the anodized sheets causes the surfaces to crack, altering the properties of the oxide layer, voiding any warranty.